Tooth Extractions Orlando – Oral Surgery
State of the art
Orlando Tooth Extractions – Dr. Ronald Trevisani
Sometimes a tooth is so badly broken or decayed that it cannot be rehabilitated and must be removed. It’s not uncommon to feel trepidation at the thought of tooth extraction surgery, but in reality these procedures are safe when performed by an experienced oral and maxillofacial surgeon like Dr. Trevisani. He is not only a talented oral surgeon, but he is also a patient professional who treats his patients — especially the anxious ones — with respect and compassion. Learn more about tooth extraction and contact Dr. Trevisani’s Orlando dental practice for a one-on-one consultation.

Candidates for Tooth Extractions
There are several scenarios which warrant the extraction of a tooth. Tooth extraction candidates usually have a tooth that has been seriously weakened by an injury, extreme wear and tear or dental disease. The tooth could be badly cracked, broken or decayed. Many candidates for tooth extractions have impacted wisdom teeth, where there is not enough room in the mouth for all teeth to properly develop. Impacted teeth usually need to be extracted to prevent infection, discomfort and damage to the adjacent teeth and bones.
The Tooth Extraction Procedure
As an oral surgeon, Dr. Trevisani is experienced in simple tooth extractions and more complex surgical extractions. He uses X-rays and other diagnostic tools to examine the teeth and surrounding bone, and determine the complexity of the procedure.
The mouth will be completely numbed during the tooth extraction for the comfort of the patient. Sedation medications (e.g., nitrous oxide, oral medication like Valium) may also be administered. The tooth will be loosened and then removed from its socket in the jawbone.

Dr. Trevisani may need to smooth and recontour the underlying bone, or add bone, depending on the case, but this is not typical. The surgical area will be closed with a stitch. Stitches may be absorbable and disintegrate on their own, or the patient may need to visit Dr. Trevisani’s office after the area has healed for the removal of the stitches.
If the patient received an oral sedative medication prior to surgery, he or she will need to be escorted home by a loved one after the procedure. If nitrous oxide was used, the patient can usually drive themselves home.

Recovering from Tooth Extraction
Dr. Trevisani and his staff will provide detailed post-operative instructions, but here are some general guidelines:
• Avoid smoking or using tobacco for several days following tooth extraction.
• Avoid rinsing the mouth rigorously.
• Avoid drinking hot liquids.
• Avoid drinking through a straw.
• Keep the extraction site clean.
• Take the prescribed medications to ease any discomfort and prevent infection.
• Contact Dr. Trevisani immediately if severe pain, swelling, bleeding or fever occurs.
Healing usually takes five to seven days. If a rare complication occurs and the jawbone is damaged during the extraction, healing can take several months.
Dry Socket
One of the notorious complications of tooth extraction is called dry socket. This occurs when a blood clot fails to form in the socket after the tooth has been extracted, or the blood clot that has formed becomes dislodged, leaving the socket exposed to air and food particles. Dry socket is more often associated with people over 30, those who have poor oral hygiene habits, smokers and women. Women taking birth control are encouraged to schedule tooth extraction for the last day of their menstrual cycle, when estrogen levels are low, to prevent dry socket.

Dry socket is more common in people who have difficult tooth extraction procedures or people who have their lower wisdom teeth removed.
Dry socket is a painful condition that requires Dr. Trevisani’s immediate attention. He will place a medicated dressing into the socket to relieve pain and encourage healing. These dressings will need to be frequently replaced until dry socket symptoms disappear (between five to seven days).

Contact Dr. Trevisani Today
If a damaged tooth is causing you pain and you think it might need to be extracted, schedule a consultation with Dr. Trevisani to examine it. Or, if you have been referred to Dr. Trevisani for a complex tooth extraction, please contact our Orlando-area practice today for more information.